The air is crisp, the light is different, there is a smoky woodstove fragrance to the air and it's time to break out the tea. Of course I have to have my little mini shortbread cookies - very addictive. I usually only drink teas during the fall/winter on a daily basis. The rest of the year, it is how the mood strikes me. Last year I discovered this great tea place called DAVID"S TEA and yes they are Canadian. They do ship all over NA for cheap though.They have the best loose leaf teas. They smell wonderful and are so tantalizing. It's hard not to stop at trying one or two. They just came out with their seasonal teas for the winter so I am going to skip away there and place my order for the new ones! They also have this really great infuser called THE STEEPER. I love it!
This one is the LONG LIFE OOLONG - Organic Shui Xian oolong tea, peach pieces, apricot pieces, almond slices, orange peel, safflower petals, with natural flavouring*. This morning I had the CRANBERRY & PEAR - so sweetly fragrant - Cranberry slices, black tea, pear pieces, apple pieces, flavouring.

OK I could not resist I had to put this picture in of Noogs having his fair share of the cheese pizza. Since Roby's passing the cats have run amok. There is no one to herd them anymore, so they are all over the place. It's not like we have a lot only two and they are oh so cute with their antics!
Oh Dear. I just remembered the apple pie in the oven.
Yikes burnt edges! We'll work around those edges. LOL. Have a great fall day. Happy stitchin' Joni
You are so funny forgetting about your pie! That would be me! I forgot to plug in the IPads yesterday so they'd be ready for the teacher who had them today! I got up really early to go plug them in! Tea and cookies sound wonderful! Have a great weekend!
Tea, coffee and hot soup... winter's blessings! Noogs is a beautiful kitty!
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