And to make it even more interesting for me there are details of raising sheep, shearing the wool and going to market. Not really surprising though considering sheep played an important part in the livelihood of the manor. There is your wool connection (All About Wool). :)

I love the cover of the book - a painting by Giovanni Bellini, Woman at the Mirror. 1515.,
which brought to mind a painter that I really like -John William Waterhouse whose obsession with Tennyson led to a series of paintings he did of Alfred Lord Tennyson's (1809-1892) poem The Lady of Shalott. A Victorian poem loosely based on medieval sources.

This is a painting I used as an inspiration for an applique pictorial quilt that I drew up. I am afraid it will never be a quilt but there is hope that it will be a rug. It will be my challenge piece. I drew it up while listening to one of my favourite songs - The Lady of Shalott by Loreena McKennitt. She is a hauntingly powerful singer who never fails to amaze me with her vocal abilities. The music you heard when you came to visit me here is her Lady of Shalott. Her song inspires me to get that drawing out again and see if I can't make it into a hooked rug. It will be my Christmas holiday project where I spoil myself and do some of the things I never seem to have time to do.
PS Susan, I know you are not fond of music on blogs - but I think you will make an exception to Loreena :)
1 comment:
Smirk ! and I certainly will make an exception for Loreena. What a lovely perfect post today's was.
Very interesting and what a beautiful rug this will be. Thank you for the great email earlier, made me smile and feel relieved. One more friend to take on some of my sadness when it becomes too much for me. I've had a busy, much better than yesterday, summer kind of day today. Will write you a proper email later. xo S.
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